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different way to use sprites in PlayBASIC from DarkBASIC

Started by Laskiapina, January 16, 2010, 07:54:36 AM

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I'm just migrating from DarkBASIC and having trouble adjusting. What I'm trying to do is cut a sprite from picture and use it as the player image.

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
loadimage "sprites.png",1
getimage 1,490,1,560,55

drawimage 1,x,y,0


So could someone just tell me how to use sprites in PlayBasic the simple way?  ::)
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
loadimage "sprites.png",1

rendertoimage 1

getimage 2,490,1,560,55


drawimage 2,x,y,0



Ah, I see. The first image is #1 so you have to start cutting the sprites from #2. And if I got it right, you have to tell the program what it must work on - on the picture data or on the screen. Thank you. Moving on. :)
I was making a platformer on DarkBASIC when I noticed that DB doesn't meet my requirements. So now I'm changing the code to work in PB.
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


Are images slower than sprites? Is it wise to use DRAWIMAGE for drawing platforms and other stuff (a lot of them) or does the program get too slow?
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


Apparently I can't use collision detection if I use only DRAWIMAGE. I read the image tutorial, but it didn't help me much. So how am I to change the images to sprites and how do I use them (for example in DB: sprite 1,x,y,1)?
Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project


  You can replicate the SPRITE function in DBclassic with the following.

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Function  Sprite(index,xpos,ypos,ImageIndex)
Createsprite Index
Positionsprite index,xpos,ypos
Spriteimage index,ImageIndex

However i wouldn't recommend that !

  This is more appropriate,

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Function  Sprite(index,xpos,ypos,ImageIndex)
if GetSpriteStatus(index)=false
Createsprite Index
Positionsprite index,xpos,ypos
Spriteimage index,ImageIndex


Finished projects so far: Kumiankka, Meals of the Dragon, Fisut, Draw Old, Reikäkopio, Blindage, Escape from Millmier

Homepage: Not yet named project