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Do you still have your old STOS/AMOS Code ?

Started by kevin, January 05, 2010, 12:29:41 PM

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 Just a quick question aimed at those who come from a 16bit BASIC programming background, primarily the STOS / AMOS dialects on the Atari & Amiga platforms.

If that's you, do you still have your old code ??

  MODEDIT:  in 2013 we developed a tool to Convert AMOS /AMOSPRO Source Code to PlayBASIC Source Code


I come from AMOS background, and yeah i do have my old code... well, it is stored away on my amiga (in another country :)). Why do you ask?


Quote from: u9 on January 05, 2010, 01:08:18 PM
I come from AMOS background, and yeah i do have my old code... well, it is stored away on my amiga (in another country :)). Why do you ask?
Me too. I've got an Amiga with a lot of stuff on it including my AMOS codes, but I don't have any RGB monitor or TV modulator to revive her :( Probably if I could attach her hard disk to my pc and drive it with UAE...




I have the exact same problem. I have been thinking about buying a scandoubler, so i can see my old games again.


  Twin Express was what i used.  A cheap as chips to get a serial cable back in the day, which must have been about close to 10 years ago now.  Painfully slow though.   As a result i've got lot of stuff from the Amiga days, but some stuff is lost through errors. But ya get that.

 Been looking in the idea of a way of running some legacy AMOS/STOS in the PlayBASIC without having to port it by hand, or the fire up an Amiga/Atari ST emulation.

   After only a tiny bit of tinkering, I can see (and have tested) a way of executing at least some AMOS applications directly through PlayBasic without really lifting a finger.  Of course, the test only supports a tiny subset of the AMOS command set.  So it's not really of any great use at this time. 

   But with a little work it could be useful...


 Amos To PlayBasic Test

  This is rather trivial example of an Amos program running in PlayBASIC.  The translation is very simple and only include a tiny subset of Amos native functionality.   Even so, it's still able to convert the original Amos code into a running PlayBasic program.  In this particular example the program runs, but there are various graphical errors.  Replicating the drawing behavior hasn't been 100% implemented.   Although performance wise,  there's no comparison.  Running the code  in PlayBASIC is a lot faster than under an Amiga emulator.

  At this point there's no grand objective, more a curiosity. This is one of those idea has been sitting in the back of mind for years, so i figured i might as well try it out.

  EDIT:  in 2013 we developed a tool to Convert AMOS to PlayBASIC