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World of Warcraft and other MMOS?

Started by LemonWizard, December 06, 2009, 09:21:02 PM

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I've always been a fan of Blizzard's software ever since Diablo and Warcraft 2.

But now it seems like Blizzard's main focus is on World of Warcraft which as you all probably know millions of people play it around the world.
I've played through alot of the scenarios on WoW but the game is incredibly un balanced, and has faced tons of server side hurdles ...and other things.

Meanwhile... I only have this to ask. What happened to the old blizzard?
Does anyone else feel this way? They cancelled starcraft Ghost which would have been released for the Gamecube and then covered it up with hapless WoW updates. They still maintain the diablo server, and the Warcraft 2 Edition servers as well as Warcraft 3.
I still hold a grudge on them for cancelling Ghost.

The room for redemption with Blizzard is slim for me as a gamer and a customer. But... I still await Starcraft 2. All the hype makes the game look promising. I just hope it's not another piece of trash with bugs...I look foreward to an editor for S2 that allows me MORE control over the game's mechanics when editing scenarios.


Dunno what's up with Blizzard.    WOW / MMOS in generally aren't really my thing though.   


Like you mentioned Lemon there is Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 on the way. Plus WOW pulls in a LOT of money so it makes financial sense to focus on it at the expense of other stuff. I did here there supposed to be working on some big project of sorts.


yeah well I am STRONGLY considering pushing blizzard's Starcraft 2 Engine to the test.
They're making alot of promises. can they KEEP them?