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I was just wondering somethings?

Started by Crosis, November 03, 2009, 07:17:40 AM

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Hello ever one I was just wondering somethings, about playbasic.

First let me say I think it is a very well designed programe all in all. Here or the things I am wondering about.

1 - Can you make a game maker using play basic GUI functions? a little more description, like would the player be able to make weapons and items in the editor and then have the playbasic window display the game design in it window?

2-  How can you make stand alone exe with play basic?

3 - Can I call play basic code, in different programing languages?


Quote1 - Can you make a game maker using play basic GUI functions? a little more description, like would the player be able to make weapons and items in the editor and then have the playbasic window display the game design in it window?

  You can make your own editing tools to help you create content for your own games.  But you can't create Game Making tool out of PB.   

  There's a number of GUI systems for PB,  but generally building a GUI means, setting up some type of window and attaching controls (buttons, scrollers etc etc)  to this window/panel.    Then our program monitors the users interaction and reacts to user clicks, button presses.   This is not automatic, the programmer need to handle this however they see fit.

Quote2-  How can you make stand alone exe with play basic?

  This is only available in retail editions of PlayBasic.  You make an Exe in any retail edition simply by pressing the F4 key.

Quote3 - Can I call play basic code, in different programing languages?

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean, so just for clarifaction.

     If you mean can you compile PB code to a library/dll, then call user functions remotely, this is simply not possible.

     if you mean, can you use the PB libraries in other languages, Nope.   You'd need an SDK license for that. 

     You can call external DLL's from PB code though. However this is only available in retail editions.