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Virtual Birthday Card for my Father

Started by Makeii Runoru, September 29, 2009, 02:43:03 AM

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Makeii Runoru

I wanted to make my father something for his birthday (Sept. 29th). I didn't want to give him a regular card or a stupid tie. I wanted to show how much I loved him. I conducted this one-night program using PB to give my dad a "virtual card." It displays a sort of space shooter with text. You can move the ship around using the arrows keys, and the bullets that are automatically fired from the ship destroy the enemy bubble things that appear on the right.

It's a 10-second glance program, so there's not a lot of player-interactivity with the program. I hope he likes it. I haven't given it to him yet.

Anyway, here's the source. It's a bit messy but I don't plan to clean it up if it's just transformed into bytecode and discarded later.
This signature is boring, and could be improved. However, the user of this signature doesn't need a fancy signature because he or she doesn't really care for one.


Hi Makeii Runoru

yep love this idea alot

very nice , to be honest i have had this kinda idea in my head for the last 3 years or so , but mine was a small editable demo something like a birthday banner or card that you can edit to your taste , then sender puts the executable in startup menu of pc there putting it on
and when user turns it on thier pc it springs to life .

but your idea is a much nicer touch

i also have had a shop counter/window display program flying around my head to an editable banner to run on pc , displayed on either small shop counter lcd , or window large screen , but at the moment would not know where to start..

mick ;D

Makeii Runoru

The feedback is much appreciated. It's one of the few completed projects I have done using this language. I tend to overstep my goals when it comes to programming these.

The estimated work time (excluding the brainstorming / thinking of how to code it) was approx. 2 hours.

I'd like to see what you come up with using the idea you had stated above. You're a fantastic game programmer, mick, and I think that something like that would look spectacular if you made it. : D

-- Mike
This signature is boring, and could be improved. However, the user of this signature doesn't need a fancy signature because he or she doesn't really care for one.


i find its good to overstep your goals Makeii,Thats what pushes you.........