
Building a 3D Ray Tracer  By stevmjon

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Multiple Online TBA

Started by eatfishy, October 19, 2008, 10:10:27 PM

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I don't have fancy pics of the game, but I am working on the the hard part first. Then, I will focus on the graphic/sound later on.  Below are pics of early development:

The game will definitely be multi player anywhere from 4 - 16 players and possibly more. The following functions are in the game:

Login - the game can read data from mySQL Database checking to see if screen name and password exists
Chat - two player can chat with each other through LAN or WAN
Basic movement - two player can see each other movement

I'll post pics in about a month or so...

Makeii Runoru

Want to run together?

No cant...

I lol'd at that. But anyway, I really like it. I want to see where this goes.
This signature is boring, and could be improved. However, the user of this signature doesn't need a fancy signature because he or she doesn't really care for one.


 Looks like a good start to me.  It's nice to see somebody taking some initiative and diving into something like this.


4 or more players can now chat and see other players moving around.