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Main Menu


Started by kevin, February 26, 2004, 02:37:24 PM

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   Been tinkering with this again. The main objective is to add a bit of interface so that the user can tweak the game how they like, as well as adding some branding stuff to it.  Using FlexiMenu and FlexiGUI for the interface.   Found a few errors in the GUI so that now it restores the original setting between render calls.   Otherwise the current surface could be changed mid update, making some odd logic errors pop up.  There's prolly more errors tucked away inside it, but they'll have to wait for another day. 

   The only drama i'm having, it that after a system restore the GUI window images aren't reloading correctly, so there's some junk on those surfaces.  Which is only a drama really if the user is changing a setting and the system pop's up the switch user screen/ or perhaps a screen blanker.   Unlikely,  but I'd still like to work correctly.  :)

   Settings wise,  you can set the music volume & sound volume, max particle count and even change skins.  Which i might leave in.   I've got some more music now,  so could probably have randomly play,  repeat, options also.

   Here's a bit of shot, not that it's really any different.   The Menu is just cut from the FlexiMenu demo the other day,  i'm not too sure what sections should be called.


  Game ->  (ReStart, Pause, Quit)
  Settings ->  (gfx, Audio)
  Abouit -> (Web links, Credits screen)

Anything else ? 



speed: the speed of the block when you hit the down arrow key.


  Twin Trix V1.08

       Here's probably the first and last demo of the Twin Trix  re-release.  Most of the changes cosmetic from the obvious new skin, new music and interface additions.   




 Twin Trix V1.08 Final

  The final of this update is available on the TwinTrix home page