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E3 Dead Now ?

Started by kevin, July 31, 2006, 09:46:58 AM

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Ian Price

TBH I think this is a good thing - perhaps publishers/developer will more readily release info all year round, rather than holding everything back until a certain Trade Only show.

Despite the huge amount of games and hardware at E3 this year, I thought the whole show was quite poor, with relatively little of interest that wasn't known before E3. This E3 should have been the greatest ever, with two new highly anticipated hardware formats, playable for the first time. The PS3 disappointed and Wii, appeared to be as good as everyone hoped, just a little underpowered compared to the other two.

PSP died on it's feet, whilst DS continued to pimp itself to all and sundry - be you male, female, young or old. And this is a good thing. Nintendo have done what they said they would with the DS, let's just hope they do the same with Wii.

As for games... well, other than Nintendo franchises and Metal Gear, there wasn't an awful lot that I'd want to play, let alone buy.

Let E3 R.I.P.
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


Well, I can't say I'll miss it.     As for the DS it's not rocket science.  It's half the retail PSP.  I know which one i'd get fo little Johnny.    There were issues initially though, due to the spectacular failure of the Cube in Australia (See: 100,000 units ) retailers weren't queuing up to stock them.

Ian Price

The DS might be half the price of a PSP, but it's also got more than four times as many good games. Perhaps that has more to do with it?

I see that UMD has died a death - surprise, surprise!
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


Price is always a factor  and  UMD really was a no brainer !

Ian Price

Price is a factor, however it's not always the deciding factor.

I would rather buy a system with 1 good game than a system with 100 crap ones, no matter what the price.

Media hype and advertising has a dramatic effect on sales. Just look at the Dreamcast. It was a fantastic little machine that (didn't advertise much) and was killed while people waited for the PS2, a machine that didn't have a single good game in it's first year of life. By this time the Dreamcast had over 30 quality arcade ports and original games, plus was playable online.

But people, in their ignorance and blind faith wanted and waited for the Sony machine, which still hasn't really proved that it is more capable than the DC.

Never under-estimate  the sheer stupidity of the general populace! :P

Just look at PB. It's less than half the price of BlitzBasic and a quarter of BlitzMax. PB has more features, is faster and is updated far more regularly. But Blitz still outsells it if you use new members to BlitzBasic forums as to this forum. This forum doesn't even require you to buy the product to register.
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


My poor dreamcast...*sob* *weep*

Such good games...
DualCore Intel Core 2 processor @ 2.3 ghz, Geforce 8600 GT (latest forceware drivers), 2 gigs of ram, WIN XP home edition sp2, FireFox 2.

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