No Disk in 'E' Drive

Started by Schwarzwald, March 11, 2006, 09:57:01 PM

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I recently installed Play Basic, and while it looks like an excellent program, I can't actually run it.

When I begin Play Basic, I get a pop-up that informs me that it can't detect any disk in my E:\ drive and then it shuts down.

I was under the impression that the download from the site had the entire demo, do I need a disk too?

My E:\ drive is a CD\RW, if that's importaint.

Ian Price

There's a topic about that HERE.
I came. I saw. I played some Nintendo.


I have this too - the suggested link does not work, so can someone tell me how to get rid of this disk error?

Big C.

How does the link not work? Can't you follow the link and don't read the post, or will deleting the editor.ini don't have any effect by you ?
I mean, nevertheless in spite of your deleting the editor.ini, you get this disk-error?

Which version of PB and Editor do you use? Demo/Retail?

Big C.


Well, were really not sure what is causing it.

Q). Does the account your using on your computer have Admin privileges ?  

Q) Was the package installed under the Adim ? (Required)

If yes,  to find out if this is an IDE or PB issue, here's what i need you to do.

* Locate your PlayBasic install folder.  (ie  C:\My Programs\PLayBasic\)

* Rename the file PlayBasic.exe to PlayBasic_Renamed.exe  (or something)

* Delete the Editor.INI   file.

Then try launching the IDE.


I also have this problem but I cannot find an Editor.INI file.  There are three files called Editor in the PlayBasic file (an application, a configurations file and a text file called Editor_History).  Are you refering to the configurations file or is it located somewhere else?

I also noticed that this problem started when I downloaded the most recent update.  I did not have this problem before then.


QuoteWell, were really not sure what is causing it.

Q). Does the account your using on your computer have Admin privileges ?  

Q) Was the package installed under the Adim ? (Required)
If yes,  to find out if this is an IDE or PB issue, here's what i need you to do.
* Locate your PlayBasic install folder.  (ie  C:\My Programs\PLayBasic\)

* Rename the file PlayBasic.exe to PlayBasic_Renamed.exe  (or something)

* Delete the Editor.INI   file.

Then try launching the IDE.


Delete the "editor" config file