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Quick Clarification

Started by Tracy, January 21, 2006, 01:47:53 AM

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Hi there.

I was wondering if there was a way to center an image's shape in the middle of the image, instead of drawing it from the upper left corner?

I'm trying to get the image's shape to have a collision detection where I see the image on the screen and can't seem to wrap my head around how to do it properly. Basic creation of the sprite is as follows:

Global Rectangle `Standard Collision Rectangle
     CreateShape rectangle,4,4
 SetShapeVertex rectangle,1,10,10
 SetShapeVertex rectangle,2,28,10
 SetShapeVertex rectangle,3,28,38
 SetShapeVertex rectangle,4,10,38
 SetShapeEdge rectangle,1,1,2
 SetShapeEdge rectangle,2,2,3
 SetShapeEdge rectangle,3,3,4
 SetShapeEdge rectangle,4,4,1

If Character(currentchar).Stand_Animation$<>"0"
      LoadImage Character(currentchar).Stand_Animation$,PLayer(Player).Stand_Animation
      ImageShape PLayer(Player).Stand_Animation,rectangle
      ScaleImage PLayer(Player).Stand_Animation,PLayer(Player).SizeX,PLayer(Player).SizeY,1

      CreateSprite s
            SpriteImage s,PLayer(Player).stand_Animation
      SpriteCollision s,True
      SpriteCollisionClass s,1
      SpriteCollisionMode s,3
      PositionSprite s,xpos#,ypos#
     Player(Player).Spr         =s

The result I'm actually getting is that my image's shape seems to not only be located in the upper left corner, it seems to be a single pixel. It makes me think that I'm (yet again) missing something and the shape's not loading properly.

Thanks again for the help.

I'm off to bed.


When in doubt, draw it.   :)

The issue is that vertex + edge indexs start from zero, not 1.  

PlayBASIC Code: [Select]
Global Rectangle `Standard Collision Rectangle
CreateShape rectangle,4,4

SetShapeVertex rectangle,0,10,10
SetShapeVertex rectangle,1,28,10
SetShapeVertex rectangle,2,28,38
SetShapeVertex rectangle,3,10,38
SetShapeVertex rectangle,4,100,100

SetShapeEdge rectangle,0,0,1
SetShapeEdge rectangle,1,1,2
SetShapeEdge rectangle,2,2,3
SetShapeEdge rectangle,3,3,0

DrawShape rectangle,0,0,2
setcursor 0,100

For lp=0 to 4
print GetShapeVertexX(rectangle,lp)
print GetShapeVertexY(rectangle,lp)

For lp=0 to 4
print GetShapeEdge(rectangle,lp,0)
print GetShapeEdge(rectangle,lp,1)



Hmm. I've treid drawing my rectangle (in another program window), and I can see it and there's volume to it. and I'm still getting a corner pixel on it with no volume when I apply it to my image, though.

I've tried drawing it [the rectangle] to the image I've got so I can see it in the actual game, but that didn't work either. Again, I'm guessing that somehow 'rectangle' is giving me a null value.

I've tried to create the shape inside the function I'm using it in, I've tried using it as a global variable, and neither work. Anything else I'm missing? I've got this plugged into the "basic 2D game design example" and only get a 'hit Me' when I cross the upper left corner of my sprite across an alien.

I'll play with it some more and see if I can't figure it out when I get a chance.

Note: I'm plugging this into the code I posted a few days ago. Thanks.