Any easy way to do this? I'm trying to show the user what key he/she pressed in a string /acii form?
Oh I'm being silly, just use Inkey$ bad :) trying to make it more complicated then I thought. But I'm still wondering because I'm storing keys using Scancodes and need to show these scancodes like inkey$()?
I've got a code (some palce) that converts scancodes to Key Names. Which would be useful for allowing users to customize controls
The problem with using INkey$() for that would be it only returns ASCII codes. All though keys return nothing.
That's exactly what I'm doing kevin, custom controls...Considering most people are probably going to find the layout I like a tad wackey...
I guess I could just store both Scancode and inkey versions...or I could make a giant look-up table :P
I've posted in example that shows how to retrieve the name of keys here:
Key names from Scancode (