Devils Temple | New Amiga OCS Game (WIP Videos) Kung fu master arcade comes to Amiga A500..
Devil's Temple Promotional Video showing our new game for the Amiga A500.
Requirement: Amiga OCS or A500 Mini or ECS or AGA
Set in 1987 you'll fight your way to the Devil's Temple to rescue Lena who's been taken and held hostage by X in revenge for his defeat to your father 3 years ago.
The game features 10 stages with intense arcade Kung Fu action based on the classic Irem games of Kung Fu Master and Vigilante. Over 300 frames of animation have been packed into the game and every cycle of performance has been used on the Amiga A500. The game will adapt to expansions so extra chip ram will result in better music, AGA will provide extra colours and increased enemy variety in-game.
Pre-Order for the boxed edition of the game is available at
Digital version and further info available at
Join the Amiga Game Dev discord channel for announcements on the game:-
This is a debug build but thought I would share for those interested. Plenty of annoying bugs to fix still.
Code: McGeezer
GFX: Tenshu
Music: Hoffman & DJ Metune
Devils Temple | WIP | Amiga 500 Game 2022 | Final Stage & Ending